Abu Dhabi, Africa and Beyond 2023
It’s been a while since I’ve shared. Many of you may have seen the FB pictures of our fabulous adventure to Abu Dhabi and South Africa. Two regions of the world, so different but equally as magically. This was an amazing adventure. Here are a few photos albums of our journey:

Pondoro Lodge and Safari, South Africa

After a very, very long airplane journey (about 32 hours) back home I fractured my foot shortly after arrival in Tucson. There’s never a good time to incur an injury but as the saying goes “timing is everything”. Thank goodness I did not have to maneuver through huge international airports with a bum foot. It’s been four weeks and the foot seems to be recovering nicely. I am trying to pace myself and not to do too much too soon. Wish me luck on that…I need all the encouragement to not move too quickly into my favorite activities, aerobics, walking, etc, etc.
With all that said, for my own sanity, I had to do something to keep busy. Although I longed to resume work in my glass studio I could not manage moving large pieces of glass etc. during the no “weight bearing” stage. I dug out some very old craft paints and well-loved paintbrushes and started to create. After numerous YouTube segments and some short purchased videos I plunged right in. It had been a very long time since I have picked a paintbrush.
As you know I love color, abstract art and floral design. Many “beginner” painting videos discussed flowers and color. That seemed to appeal. I struggled with strictly abstract art and couldn’t find a focus. Consequently, I’m still seeking my painting “style”.
Here are a few of this beginner’s efforts. All comments and responses, “the good, the bad and the ugly” will be greatly appreciated. Your feedback about what appeals to your eye and why will help.

My next thoughts were how to combine painted pieces and glass art. That really got me energized and I completed two acrylic/glass art pieces. It took some figuring out how to create, display, mount and frame these pieces. I like the outcome of this first rendition. What do you think?

Acrylic painting with embellished glass overlay!
I’ve rambled on long enough. Please, please comment!
Most of my FB/Instagram posts are now going through my business platform so I can schedule the posts and try to post a little more often. If you have not followed me there please do so in these links:
I am looking forward to hearing from you! Please stay in touch!
Thanks, friends!