Fall in Love with Fall!
I didn’t realize how much I missed the changing colors of fall until this past week! Paul and I took an unexpected trip to the Berkshires in Massechutes to do work in our son’s home. WOW! The leaves were at their peak, the air was crisp and the river was rushing! Perfect timing! How lucky we were to be surrounded by such beauty! Here are a few of my favorite pictures at his house which overlooks the Westfield River.

Our trip was not all work. We took a few days to visit nearby communities. My favorite was the Bridge of Flowers in Shelburne Falls. In 1929, on a rescued old trolley bridge, the Women’s Club began transforming the bridge into this beautiful garden. It is in bloom from April to October’s first frost. Right now the dahlias are magnificent! I look forward to future visits in other seasons! For more information go to The Bridge of Flowers link.

and so were the bees!!!
Since arriving home I have jumped right back into the glass studio! This Saturday I will be participating in a sculpture event at Jane Hamilton Fine Art Gallery.

I have about ten new pieces in the works but most are still in the process of being fired or waiting for stands! I’m right down to the deadline because of our unplanned get-a-way! It is exciting to have a few new additions (before firing) inspired by our New England visit.

Look for us at the Fall La Encantada Fine Arts Festival on November 20 & 21.
I would love to hear about your favorite Fall things!
Thanks for following us and your continuous support!
Mary Sherwood Art Glass