So much to tell you!
I have not been very good at keeping in touch. Here are some highlights since the last blog in November 2021.
Backing up to the end of last year…we spent Christmas together as a family for the first time in 2 years! Incredibly special!! We gathered at Aaron and Kiori’s house in Cummington, MA. Christmas PJs, Christmas cookies and Christmas snow play are just a few of the many memories made.

January passed in a blur as Paul continued to work as our community computer club president and me on my glass art projects.
I was invited to submit an article for Glass Patterns Quarterly magazine. I have never attempted to compose a magazine article that was a glass tutorial. It took many hours to design the glass pattern, write the instructions, and photograph each step. I now have a real appreciation for those who publish. Here is an exerpt of the article. It is copyrighted so I cannot share the whole article. For more information contact Glass Pattern Quarterly.

There were many adventures in February starting with a fabulous visit from my BFF, Lu Gross. We made glass together, cooked together and explored the sites. This is one of the many amazing glass and metal sculptures we saw at the Tucson Botanical Garden.

Next up was our first week-long grandparent duty in Santa Monica. Jackson (age 4) was such a delight…so many laughs, giggles and hugs! There were way too many happenings to describe all. We enjoyed every minute except the last night when we almost lost the beloved “lovey” before bedtime. All of us searched high and low just as there was a major Jackson melt-down brewing. Zoe, the lovey, was found! It could have been a long night. We survived the week! Whew!

March started off bright with a visit to the Chihuly in the Desert exhibit at the Desert Botanical Gardens in Phoenix. I can never get enough of seeing Chihuly glass! What a Master!

There are lots of new glass art pieces being delivered to Jane Hamilton Fine Art gallery this week. I will be featured as one of their newest artists in the 30 Year Anniversary Show, March 18, from 4 to 7 pm. Here is a sneak peek of a few new pieces.

Coming up is some exciting news about a large-scale art project being commissioned for our community Activity Center. It has been so much fun working on the committee planning this installation. The projected installation is November 2022. Look forward to more about this as the plans progress.
I think this is enough of my ramblings for now!
Be safe as we start to engage in more travels this summer. Pray for peace in Ukraine.
Best wishes to all!