Congratulation…the winner of our giveaway is…
Well! We hoped to collect new email addresses with this giveaway. Guess how many new emails. Zip! Nada! Zero! But we are very thankful for those loyalists who submitted their names.
We said we’d have a giveaway so we will. The lucky winner will receive a set of six ThankYou note cards reflecting my piece entitled:

Drum roll please…The Winner is…

The winner was selected from a random drawing and will be notified by email.
While planning this we discovered January is National Thank You month! Who knew? (Thank you Karma!) Read about why and how we should celebrate and spread thank you’s all around.

The many ways to say Thank You!
English: Thank you (thank you)
French: Merci (mersi)
Spanish: Gracias (grasyas)
Italian: Grazie (grazee)
German: Danke (dankeh)
Japanese: ありがとう (arigatō)
More information about the construction of the glass piece, Balloons and Stringers, will be posted soon.

Please enjoy and share the newsletter with your friends. (We could be talked into designing more note cards from glass art or acrylic paintings if there was interest:))
If you are new to our site don’t miss out on any of our news!
Best to all! Merci!