My Heart is Grateful!

A heart full of playful glass heart designs for 2021!

My whole perspective through this last year is finding the little things that keep me going. First and foremost is my wonderful husband, Paul. I could not imagine coping so well without him. For that I am grateful!

After that, there are so many other people and experiences that keep me going. I will only mention a few so as not to bore you too much. :).

Almost every morning I walk in this beautiful area of the Southwest. I never really thought I could acclimate to being away from water but I see a different beauty here. Here is a beautiful early morning sky right out my front door!

Beautiful Arizona Sky

My friends are another very important element. Although socializing has diminished, during my outdoor walks, I am blessed with great conversation with a walking buddy or early morning chats with my fabulous East coast friends. ❤️

Birthday Balloon Walk March 2020

Next up, in my heart-filled place, are my customers and friends I have developed during this art glass endeavor. I have the best supporters ever! Here is a commissioned project for two large art glass panels to be inserted in a client’s library. It was certainly a challenge but such an exciting endeavor! Making my client almost squeal with joy during the installation makes it all worth it! ❤️

Finished panels ready for installation

Mary Sherwood Art Glass has just joined Chris Bubany and Friends Art Gallery. I am so thankful for the opportunity. Thanks to my metal artist friend, Hector, the display is a real show stopper! ❤️ Stop by for a visit!

Many “virtual” hugs and kisses being sent your way!


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