New Horizons
I don’t blog often but each month I’m always seeing things I want to tell you about. So where do I start???

First, I’m asking you this question: What do you want to hear about?
- Glass art and events
- Travels and adventures
- Fun with my grandson
- Gardening in the desert
- Travel
- Fill in the blank _________ you tell me!
I am really interested in what you would like because there are so many “rabbit holes” I can go down. You may say something like “all” of the above but help me out with your top three. I am looking forward to reading your comments HERE.
First up for this blog is a new learning endeavor I am beginning. I am studying Surface Pattern Design. Well what is that? In very short terms it can be any art work, sketch, photograph, etc. that is applied to many surfaces such as fabrics, home decor items, clothing, t-shirts, and so much more. If any of you have worked with me on an interior design project (my true love) you know I always looked for that “signature” fabric for an interior space and the project took on life from there. I am just starting to learn about this type of design. The course hasn’t even started and I already have several collections in mind. This announcement may be premature but if I tell you about it helps me stay accountable. It may be years until you see my designs on fabrics and more. I have dabbled with this in the textiles created from glass patterns many of you have purchased. This is a cotton scarf that was created by applying a picture of glass art called Ribbons. This is an example of surface pattern design. Stay tuned for more.

Beautiful glass art…beautiful fabrics…beautiful life! Maybe that should be my new mantra!
This is not a new piece of art glass but it is new to my desert garden and so how it sparkles. You may or may not know this but my husband, Paul, is color blind. With this addition to the garden he said: “Finally I can see this garden sculpture because it is a dazzling blue dichroic glass”. Can you imagine how hard it must be for him to live with a wife who is all about color. Even so, he still loves me! Click here for more information about Dichroic Dazzle!

Lastly, a brief video of the recent art event at Jane Hamilton Fine Art featuring Greg Heil’s fabulous desert scapes and my art glass. Quite a colorful evening!
It’s really beginning to look like Spring around here in the desert. Our winter has been much colder here with some night time lows of 24 degrees. Burr!!! It has resulted in many frost damaged plants. I will give you a glimpse of my garden once it is groomed and exploding with new growth.

Here is an interesting plant that blooms in the spring in the desert called Jerusalem Sage. I’m hoping mine will come back after our cold winter!
Happy Spring!